Why We Love Plumpy’Nut
One of Global Orphan Foundation’s first programs was a nutrition program that we executed in Congolese orphanages. Through this program, we met Plumpy’Nut and all of its life-saving capabilities.

Expectations vs Reality: Shopping in DRC
What do you do if you need more laundry detergent? You pick up and go to the store, right? Unfortunately for us, it's not always that simple in Congo. Shopping seems like a mundane thing that would be relatively similar no matter where you are in the world but shopping in Congo can turn into a strenuous and frustrating process relatively quickly. Here are the realities of shopping in Congo:

2020 Annual Report
With your help, we were able to accomplish A LOT this past year. Global Orphan Foundation’s 2020 annual report details these accomplishments amongst other ins and outs of our operations for the year of 2020.

Goodbye 2020, Hello 2021
In 2020, everyone, all around the world, had life interrupted. Bolingo Village was no different. The kids had to adjust to a new schedule, a new normal; but they still had food, they had a home, a foster mom, siblings, a place where they belonged, felt safe, and loved.

Getting Involved: it’s as easy as…
One of our consistent obstacles has been how to give people in the US a satisfying volunteer experience when we’re not able to take everyone with us on a trip to DRC.

5 Reasons You Should Care About DR Congo
What’s the first thing you think of when you hear the Democratic Republic of Congo? For some, it might be extreme poverty or disease. For others, it may be the violence-stricken turmoil in the east. While these are all, unfortunately, accurate depictions of DRC, we feel that it’s time that people learn a little bit more about the country we love so dearly.

A Message From Our Leadership
The children of Bolingo Village matter. Equality matters. Black lives matter.

Eat a Bug, Save the World: Sustainable Insect Farming
Farming and eating insects may not sound appealing to you, but those creepy crawlies are already feeding mouths across the world.

Our Fear of COVID-19 is What Congolese Live With Every Day
Our nurse, Marlene, summed up the difference between the U.S. and DRC’s response to COVID-19 by saying, “The Congolese government took it seriously knowing what we experienced with Ebola… the American government has never lived like this.”

Thanks for a Great Year!
During this holiday season, we can’t help but take a minute to reflect on all that we’ve accomplished in 2019. With the help of our Global Orphan Foundation family, 2019 is coming to a close with an incredible sense of accomplishment.

Thank you and what's next
Once I understood that 1 in 7 children under the age of 5 was dying of malnutrition in DRCongo and that GOF was doing something about it, I wanted to do anything I could to be a part of the solution.

Thank you and goodbye
I came to Global Orphan Foundation in 2013 as we were just beginning to develop our dreams and plans and I've had the honor of seeing our programs and the organization flourish.

New Year, New Goals
We are building something that will quite literally transform lives for orphaned and vulnerable children in the countries we serve. We work for those children. If we do our job well, we’ll create something that matters as much to them as it does to us, and all of our lives will be better for it.

Tour our microinsect farm!
Our micro insect farm arrived as an old shipping container. We transformed it to a training center!

Do People Really Eat Bugs?
Remember when you were a kid and there was always that one little kiddo—maybe it was even you—who was always eating bugs? Well, they may have been on to something!