Why we don’t accept teenagers at Bolingo Village.
By this point, you may have noticed that all of our children are younger; most of our kids are under ten years old. That's because Blingo Village tries to welcome new children that six years old or younger.
We do this for a couple of reasons:
To encourage family bonding.
To assist in overcoming trauma.
To reduce the likelihood of sexual abuse between our kids.

The Vision for Bolingo Village Pt 2
Bolingo Village was never meant to just meet the basic needs of the children who call it home. It was never meant to just meet the standard of survival. Our vision has always been to surpass the basics by providing them with a true childhood experience filled with guidance, care, and love.

The Vision for Bolingo Village Pt 1
Bolingo Village has been a dream of ours for years - we have worked tirelessly to make it a reality, and we’re so grateful that kids are growing up in a community of love and support. We have already implemented a large portion of our vision - but we’re not done yet.

Temporary Placements at Bolingo?
This forever home never planned on accepting temporary placements. We intended to only open our doors to children who would be a part of Bolingo Village forever. However, last week, we were contacted by social services and asked to accept a temporary placement of three siblings.

BarnRaisers $25,000 Farm Expansion
Global Orphan Foundation is happy to announce that we’ve been awarded $25,000 to help expand our farming operations over the next year by BarnRaisers of Indiana.

Palm Weevil Larvae: The Other Other White Meat
The world’s population is expected to reach 9 billion by the year 2050. That’s a lot of mouths to feed, and we’re not doing a great job with the mouths we already have – 10% of the world’s population suffered from chronic undernourishment in 2016.

Thank you and what's next
Once I understood that 1 in 7 children under the age of 5 was dying of malnutrition in DRCongo and that GOF was doing something about it, I wanted to do anything I could to be a part of the solution.

Foster Care vs. Orphanage Care in DRC: The importance of family
Our foster moms will be the rule makers and enforcers, the boo-boo kissers, the co-pilots on imagination fueled trips on space ships, and - most importantly - each child’s advocate.

Bolingo Village offers children a future
GOF is answering the need for an alternative to DRCongo Orphanages.