What’s on the menu in Congo?
I’ll be honest - cooking in DRC can be a little tricky. Certainly much different than the cooking experience we have here in the U.S. It’s HOT in Congo, many don’t have access to electricity and appliances, and the culture surrounding cooking is simply different. Let’s explore what traditional cooking and cuisine are like in DRC!

Why We Love Plumpy’Nut
One of Global Orphan Foundation’s first programs was a nutrition program that we executed in Congolese orphanages. Through this program, we met Plumpy’Nut and all of its life-saving capabilities.

Crops at Bolingo: How It’s Going
At the forefront of our farm plans has always been providing adequate nutrition for the children of Bolingo Village. Secondary to that is creating commerce, through an excess of crops. Through trial and error, hiring three new farmers, an irrigation system, and many strategic planning sessions, we think we’ve concocted an un-BEET-able equation for both an abundance of nutrition and potential for sustainable income.