Bolingo Update: 2021 Building Projects

A few months ago, we announced that we were breaking ground on some new building projects in Bolingo Village. We're thrilled to tell you that this building phase is complete!! Here's what we built: 

Bolingo Village, September 2021

Bolingo Village, September 2021

Staff House 

It's always been in our plan to have a staff house. Before finishing this building phase, our staff was living in one of our family homes. Additionally, we had another family home open for when U.S. staff came for a visit. But, due to the growth of Bolingo and the number of residential staff members we have, we knew it was time to build them a more suitable house. So, we now have a building with five separate bedrooms for staff members and one large room for when U.S. staff comes to visit. Plus, it has a separate entrance and apartment for the village manager. Completing this staff house means that we opened up two additional family homes that are ready and waiting for new kids! 

3 New Family Homes

That's right. We have three brand new homes. Combined with the two houses that opened up from building the staff house, we now have five homes to welcome new family members. That's 40 new children. We can't wait to begin to welcome them home! 

Soccer Field 

We are so excited to have a regulation-sized soccer field finally. The area will first and foremost be a place for kids to play their favorite sport and get their energy out. Secondly, it will serve as the location for community members to come and play in a league! We've been talking about having a community league for years, complete with jerseys and all, and now it can finally happen. Of course, we have bleachers so our foster moms and sports fans can comfortably watch the action. 

We can't express enough how excited and grateful we are to be able to expand Bolingo Village. It's happening more quickly and successfully than we ever could've imagined. So here's welcoming new members to the Bolingo family!


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